Monday, January 28, 2008

Square Discloth

This is my first discloth i made..

I knit this discloth use softy cotton..and use dpn plastic size 5.5 mm... hmmm ....lenny your yellow plastic dpn so comfort... like it very much....

this is cal project in my mailing list... my friends made this one too...

you can look they project in

very beautiful and cool....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Greeny Pouch

This is my new greeny pouch i made this week.

I use cotton yarn to made this pouch..
I will give this pouch to my friend as a gift... hope she like it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

pinky baby dress

this my baby girl project i made this week...

i use ICT yarn.. to made this dress...

this dress for one year old girl

if you interested to made this one... you can buy the pattern for baby dress at

Sunday, January 20, 2008

pinky bag from curly yarn

This my pinky bag... i made this from curly pink yarn...

Tantangan kreatif dari group

Di group milis aku ada tantangan kreatif.. oleh bu mod.. kita diberi clue pattern sampai dengan row 8 sisanya pengembangan kreatifitas sendiri sendiri.. Aku coba buat sesuai imajinasi aku.. jadilah seperti dibawah ini..

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Topi bayi

Ini topi bayi yang aku buat anak teman kantorku..

polanya aku ambil dari bukunya mbak thata cuma bagian bawahnya aku modifikasi..

Aku menggunakan benang katun untuk membu
at topi ini..

Nama anaknya nadya.. lucu ya .. gemes deh .. aku sering buatin dia macem macem...

ini topi baru selesai 2 hari kemaren dan dah dikasih temenku... saking senengnya pulang kantor langsung dia pakaikan ke anaknya dan besoknya tunjukin ke aku pake hp dia... lucu ya temen temen... jadi seneng yang ngasihnya..

My new doily

this is my new doily... i made from cotton yard.. i made this doily for gift to my friend.. hope she like it..